Funding Sources and Contracts . . .
The AZ Center for Change holds contracts with several different funding sources that may assist in funding your services. Our funding sources are as follows:
All Mercy Care plans including DCS CHP
Health Choice
United Community Plan
AZ Complete Health
Banner University Health Plan
American Indian Health Plan
Department of Child Safety: If you and/or your family is involved with DCS and you would like to access any of our services, you can request that your case manager refer you under our counseling contract with DCS.
Some of our counselors are credentialed with private insurances and some are not. We will provide a “Superbill” for anyone who has “out of network” benefits with their insurance company.
Private Insurance Companies:
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of AZ
Magellan Health
United Behavioral/Optum health (limited availability)
Mines & Associate